As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
There are so many ways to get involved in Church life at St Paul’s. We invite you to consider if you have a little time to give and encourage you to get in touch, please email volunteer@spwh.org or speak to the office on 020 8886 4290. Here are just some of the opportunities to volunteer:
Voluntary Roles at Services (training is provided and you will be on a rota to be on duty every 4-8 weeks, depending on your availability):
Reader – reads a passage from the Bible during the service
Server – assists the clergy during the service
Welcomer – greets people as they arrive for services, directing them as appropriate
Live Streaming – films the service for the Live Stream, technology provided
Slide Operator – clicks through the powerpoint slides projected during the service
Children’s Group Leader/Helper – leads/supports at the Sunday clubs for children during services
Behind the Scenes:
Serving coffee after service (on a rota basis)
Flower arranging in church (on a rota basis)
Grounds’ maintenance (part of a team, as needed)
Helping at social events
Helping with community activities e.g. Winter Night Shelter, Carols on The Green
Neighbourhood Support Team – providing neighbourly support to members of the congregation who live nearby
Voluntary Roles requiring some experience/training:
Admin support – supporting with office administration
Finance support – supporting the church treasurer and finance team
Technology support
Communications support – website, social media, graphic design, marketing
DIY/Building/Decorating/Repairs/Project Management
Opportunities to join groups:
Mothers Union
House Group