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The easiest way to give regularly is through our page on the Parish Giving Scheme, sign up here:



Monthly Planned Giving is by far the most effective way to donate money to the church.


  • You plan how much you can donate each month by setting up a Standing Order

  • St Paul’s receives income regularly, and can plan mission and ministry accordingly


Setting up a Standing Order


The easiest way to join the scheme is by setting up a regular Standing Order, which can be done either by logging into your online bank account, or visiting your bank in person.


You’ll need our bank details:


  • Account name St Paul’s Winchmore Hill PCC

  • Account number 23119474

  • Sort code: 16 00 15

  • Reference (this is very important!): Your surname plus ‘Planned Giving’ or ‘PG’


It’s also helpful if you could drop the PCC Treasurer an email at so we know to expect your payments.


If you aren’t able to set up a Standing Order, and would prefer to use our Envelope Scheme instead, give the Parish Office a call: 020 8886 4290.


How much should I give? 


Only you understand your own finances, and we make no judgment on how much you decide to give. What is important to us is that you give something regularly. Some people find the concept of a tithe useful. This principle means that 10% of your income is given away: 5% to the church and 5% to other charitable causes. The table below shows examples of this in practice.


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What if I can’t commit to a regular gift?


We understand that some people’s circumstances mean that they cannot commit to Planned Giving (e.g. no fixed income). If you’re only able to make occasional one-off donations then there is a contactless payment machine in church, or you can put cash in a collection plate on a Sunday, or donate online via our website.


Gift Aid


If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donation, please complete the form overleaf.  This will increase your gift by 25p for every £1 given (at current rate), at no extra cost to you or us.


Thank you


Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of your parish church.



“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 

 Jesus in Matthew 6.21


(c) The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Paul's Church Winchmore Hill
​Registered Charity Number 1133942


St Paul's Church
Church Hill
​N21 1JA


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