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Did you know? 
Since 1982, the Trust has made grants of over £300,000. In recent years, these grants have included £70,00 towards the cost of hall subsidence work, £5,000 for the Church AV system and £37,000  towards restorative and decorative work to the Church Hall and the Lodge. It is no exaggeration to say that the Trust made  these major projects possible. Other grants include those towards building work in the Hayward Gardens and the repair of the Church organ. The Trust has also been making a regular contribution toward the salary of the Parish Administrator. 


Where does the money come from? 
Since 1982 when the Trust was first set up, the money comes from people like you who care about the Church and its preservation and development for us and for future generations. Membership fees are added to the Trust fund, and over 250 people have joined the Trust since 1982. The Trust is also always grateful for individual donations. If you would like to discuss making a gift to the Trust during your lifetime or by will, please speak to one of the Trustees.




Q: When was the Trust established? 
A: The Trust was established in 1982 as a result of a bequest from Arthur Cooper who had been deputy churchwarden and stewardship recorder. Over the years further generous donations and bequests have been made, including a very generous bequest from Peter Hodge, a former Church archivist and server. 


Q: Why was it set up and what are its principal objectives? 
A: St Paul’s Church is a focal point of our neighbourhood and is there for everyone in our community, whether for regular worship, private prayer or a family occasion such as a baptism, marriage or funeral or for other community uses like concerts.. A Church, like any other building, has to be maintained, and our Church should provide appropriate facilities for those who value its presence and wish to use it. 


The Trust was set up to provide funds to develop and maintain the fabric and amenities of St Paul’s Church, the Garden of Rest and other Church buildings. In supporting the Trust financially, you help the Church to ensure that it is fit for the many purposes for which our community wishes to use it. By giving to the Trust you are giving to the work of the Church: without the funding provided by the Trust, the Church would need to make more financial demands on all those of us who use it. 


If the Trust does not replace the funds it releases to the Church, then in the course of time it will have no further funds to give. A gift to the Trust enables us to enjoy the Church now and to maintain and preserve it for future generations as our predecessors have done for us. 


Q: What are the Trustees’ policies to meet the objectives? 
A: Legacies and donations are carefully invested to generate income and capital growth mainly in funds created for this purpose by the Church of England which aim to achieve real long-term growth and rising income through ethical investments. 


All funds received are put together in a capital fund. Income from this fund is used for grants. Major grants can also be made from the capital of the fund. The Trustees arrange various activities to raise further capital for the Trust and make efforts to raise the profile of the Trust and encourage individuals to donate to its funds. 


Any donations made for specific purposes are used for those purposes. All requests for grants are considered on their merits in the light of the Trust’s objectives. 


Q: Who can join? 
A: ANYONE at all. For example, if you attend St Paul’s Church, have a child at St Paul’s School or in Sunday School, have children in the Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers or Rainbows, use the church for a wedding, baptism or funeral or the church hall for a social event, or if you simply wish to ensure the future of St Paul’s, we invite you to join the St Paul’s Trust.


Q: Is there a difference between the Trust and planned giving? 
A: Yes. Trust funds can only be used in accordance with the terms of the Trust. This means that your gift to the Trust is ring-fenced and can only be spent on the mission and fabric of St Paul’s Church. Planned giving is needed for the day to day running costs of the Church, and may be applied for a broader range of purposes, including our support of the wider church. Both forms of funding are needed by the Church. 


Q: How do I join the Trust and how much does it cost? 
A: If you are interested in joining the Trust please fill in the form overleaf or just talk to one of the Trustees. The membership fees are as shown on the form. 


There is an opportunity to meet the Trustees and other members at the Annual Meeting. The Trust also holds social events from time to time. All of these are publicised through St Paul’s Church.


(c) The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Paul's Church Winchmore Hill
​Registered Charity Number 1133942


St Paul's Church
Church Hill
​N21 1JA


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