As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
Our Vision at St Paul’s Church is:
‘Growing Faith in Winchmore Hill’
Our Strategy to achieve this is focused around the themes of:
‘Connect, Belong, Grow’
Connect with God; connect with others; connect others with God

Belong to the Church community; belong to God’s family; belong in fellowship with Christ

Grow in faith; grow in service; grow in whole-life discipleship.
We currently have 5 key projects to develop specific areas of Church life:
To enhance the welcome given to people new to our Church, through online communications, in-person greeting at services and events and through information and facilities inside our Church.
To have a clear and supported pathway for children and families to attend and participate in Church services, groups and Church life, with increased opportunities for them to connect, belong and grow in faith.
To set up and maintain a complete and accurate database of all Church volunteers in order to improve communication to, recognition of and co-ordination of people supporting the activities and events of Church life.
Pastoral Care
To establish a pastoral care team, resourced and trained to meet the needs of the parish, including phoning, visiting and administering the sacrament to the sick and housebound; providing listening, prayer and healing ministry at or after services.
To provide an annual programme of events, groups and training courses for adults to grow in faith and to support spiritual development, including adult baptism, adult confirmation, house groups, Lent groups, Christian Study courses, prayer groups and pilgrimages.
If you are interested in getting involved in any of these projects,
please do get in touch via the Parish Office office@spwh.org or via the Vicar vicar@spwh.org
If you would like to read more about St Paul’s Church Strategy, please click here
All Videos

‘Introduction to the Strategy’ by Father Daniel

'Welcome’ by Father Calum, Chair of the Welcome Committee

‘Children and Families’ with Alison Perera, Children and Families Worker