As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.


As we follow the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, and continue to pray for peace,
we also look to take action to support those forced to flee their homes.
As well as our vital prayers, are there other things we can do?
The Diocese of Europe and United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG) have launched a joint Ukraine Emergency Appeal to support partners on the ground in Ukraine and surrounding countries. Funds raised by the appeal will support Christian charities and churches and agencies carrying out humanitarian work in both in Ukraine and organisations responding to the arrival of Ukrainian refugees in neighbouring countries.
Alternatively, you can donate direct to the Embassy of Ukraine to the UK here. Donate to support Ukraine here.
It is not yet clear on how many refugees may arrive in the UK from Ukraine, but we do expect refugees to start arriving.
Our friends at Welcome Churches, who have huge experience of supporting churches who work with asylum seekers & refugees, have set up Ukraine Welcome which is a bespoke website with information for those arriving about life in the UK.
The UK Government will launch the first stage of the new Sponsorship Programme called ‘Homes for Ukraine’ on 18th March and you can find details HERE of the scheme. As of Monday 14th March you can already register your interest and volunteer in principle to sponsor.
If you have a spare room or separate accommodation that you are able to offer for a minimum of 6 months, you can sign up to host a refugee individual or a family. According to the announcement in Parliament you will receive a monthly payment of £350 to cover expenses, which is non-taxable, and won’t affect your council tax or benefits. The Ukrainian(s) you host will have access to some benefits (not including housing benefit), the labour market, healthcare, schools and other public services.
Further information is available on the Government website FAQs.
At present you need to identify the person or family you want to accommodate and if you can do this they can apply for a visa from Friday 18 March. If you don’t know someone that you want to support, you can still sign up and it is likely that over the coming days various matching schemes will emerge.
Full details will be added here when they become available.
The Church of England for Refugees have also produced a toolkit which you can find HERE to advise churches, and we will keep updating these pages as we receive further information.
If you attend St Paul’s Church, Winchmore Hill or live in the parish and have registered to host refugees from Ukraine, we would like to support you, so please do let us know when your hosting arrangement begins, to contact us please email: volunteer@spwh.org