As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.



Would you like to sponsor one (or both) of our Christmas trees this year, perhaps in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for a blessing? If so please get in touch with Emily at office@spwh.org. The trees cost £70 each, and your dedication can appear in our Christmas orders of service.

Time to get Christmassy with a family-friendly, festive film in the Church Hall on Friday 13 December. A small but brave donkey and his animal friends become the unsung heroes of the first Christmas.

Get ready for a heartwarming Christmas celebration! St. Paul’s children have been working hard on their Nativity Play, and they can’t wait to share it with you! Join us for this special performance during the 10:30 service on Sunday, December 15th. It's an event you won’t want to miss—bring your family and friends!

Please help us make this a fabulous community effort and a great event, fundraising for local homelessness charities. You can get involved by helping on the day with set up and pack down. You can also donate mince pies and mulled wine, which can be left at the back of church. Contact curate@spwh.org for more information.